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When the stone Tears of Heaven, Navarre and Lucifus, fell from the sky, their appearance changed the world. Navarre, the white tear, had a life-giving power while Lucifus sowed death and destruction. Eight factions raced to harness the magic of both tears for themselves, giving them the command over life and death. The winds of war swept the land as the Minotaurs, Dwarves, Barbarians, Undead, High Elves, Wood Elves, and Dark Elves clashed in conflict of dominion over the Tears of Heaven.
Warlords Battlecry translates the classic turn-based Warlords gameplay into a fast and furious real-time strategy game. Your magic can boost the offensive power of your heroes’ troops. Your heroes gain experience and skills that can turn the tide of battle, such as magic resistance and advanced gathering of resources for your war effort. With dozens of skills, hundreds of units, eight different factions, and a slew of maps to choose from, Warlords Battlecry has all the ingredients of an RTS classic.