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Jedná se o produkt s omezeným přístupem, který lze aktivovat a přehrávat. POUZE na stránkách . Argentina.
Jedná se o Xbox One/Xbox Series verze hry.
Quake ARG Xbox One/Series CD Key - Dive Back Into the FPS Revolution
About the Game:
Quake set the gaming world alight with its groundbreaking mix of real-time 3D graphics and exhilarating multiplayer gameplay when it first released. A blend of dark gothic atmospheres and intense combat, players traverse inter-dimensional levels, battling fiendish foes and uncovering arcane secrets.
Klíčové vlastnosti:
Gameplay and Mechanics:
Quake remains an FPS purist's dream. The game is raw, fast-paced, and requires skill to master. Dodging, strafing, and high-speed navigation are just as crucial as accurate aiming. The physics, coupled with the arsenal at your disposal, makes for explosive and dynamic confrontations, whether in single-player campaigns or multiplayer arenas.
Herní režimy:
Available on PC and various consoles over the years.
System Requirements (for Modern PCs):
Why Choose RoyalCDKeys?
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