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"Chained Together" is a thrilling cooperative game developed by Anegar Games that pushes teamwork to new heights. Released on June 19, 2024, for PC via Steam, this game places players in a fiery underworld where they must climb to freedom while physically chained to one another. Each move must be carefully planned to navigate the realistic chain physics and challenging obstacles.
"Chained Together" is a platforming game that emphasizes cooperation and coordination. Players must work together to climb through various levels filled with obstacles and hazards. The game modes cater to different skill levels:
The realistic chain physics mean that every player's movement affects the others, making communication and teamwork vital for success. Players can enjoy an auto-save feature, ensuring that their progress is not lost, and the game supports both single-player and multiplayer modes.
Currently, "Chained Together" is available exclusively on PC via Steam. Console versions may be considered in the future.
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