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Specializovaná podpora 24 hodin denně, 7 dní v týdnu - už žádné čekání na vyřešení problému
This is a restricted product and it CANNOT be activated and played in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Viet Nam, China, Mongolia, Macao, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, and the Philippines.
The “Ninja Gaiden” series is respected and beloved across the entire gaming world, and has sold 6.8 million units in total.
In this collection, the three titles from the series which are included are: NINJA GAIDEN Sigma (released in 2007), NINJA GAIDEN Sigma 2 (released in 2009), and NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor’s Edge (released in 2012).
Become the ultimate ninja and defeat deadly enemies!