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Specializovaná podpora 24 hodin denně, 7 dní v týdnu - už žádné čekání na vyřešení problému
Set in a fictionalized 1980s Latin America, Cartel Tycoon tells the story of a time when cocaine took over first the US, and then the whole world. Ridiculously rich drug kingpins rule their glorious empires, creating thousands of jobs. But at the same time, a maelstrom of violence envelops this criminal world.
Build an empire of drug production and smuggling chains while dealing with rival cartels, your rogue lieutenants, state authorities, and public opinion. Deal in marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and legal goods that are a front for your drug trade. Conquer neighboring regions and send profits climbing to unlock new upgrade paths and powerful research opportunities. Adapt on the fly to procedurally-generated events.
Authorities, rival cartels, the DEA, army and even the CIA all threaten your growing business. When you die (it never does truly end well for drug lords), take over the empire as your successor, and build your empire from the ruins all over again.
In Cartel Tycoon, failure is inevitable and violence begets more violence - but for the cunning kingpin, vast profits await.